Sunday, March 16, 2008

Eureka! Pictures are easy!

Eureka, my daughter Wendy just showed me how to put pictures in the post. Very easy once you know how.


Unknown said...

Gorgeous!! Where are you going to stow the spinach cans?

Dan Green said...


Plenty of storage in the galley and I do actually have a Popeye brand can of spinach that the previous owner provided. My least favorite thing of the boat is the name, but it does fit the boat.


Unknown said...

You can totally change the name.

Lots of sailors claim superstitious tradition says that you can't, but boats have been undergoing name-changes for centuries, and the 'tradition' seems only to date back 100 years or so.

The USS Constitution has been renamed twice without apparent ill-effect.

Popeye's not the worst boat name I've ever heard, though. That honour probably goes to Sea More Johnson--damned if it's unlucky to change that!

Dan Green said...

Hey Phillip,

A name change is certainly possible but so far I have not found one that I think fits the boat as well. Also, there is some cost to change the lettering and to change the registration documents. So I am thinking about it as I get to know the boat. There is a possibility knocking around in my head.
